Can a person with diabetes drink alcohol?

We are updating our information on diet and have the following information on our web page. We would very much appreciate your reviewing this...

Couldn’t my husband just cut out sugar and sweets instead of...

My husband was just diagnosed as having diabetes. He's not taking any shots or pills. His doctor suggested we see a registered dietitian to...

How can I work with meals with a choice of exchanges,...

I think you skipped over the part of my question that mentioned that for some meals in the month of meals five, some exchanges...

I was diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome and lactose intolerance. What...

I was diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) as well as lactose intolerance four years ago. I have cut out all forms of milk...

I am wondering about stearoyl-1-lactylate sounds like some kind of milk...

I have thought of another substance that I am wondering about:stearoyl-2-lactylate sounds suspiciously like some kind of milk derivative. Would this be a problem...

I suffer from canker sores. Could I have a nutritional deficiency?

I constantly suffer from canker sores. Every time I bite my lip, go to the dentist, jab myself with the toothbrush, I inevitably end...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with infertility?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with infertility? The Women's Health dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association specializes in working with...

I gained 30 pounds during pregnancy and lost none of it...

My first baby was born last September 24. I gained about 30 pounds during pregnancy and have lost none of it even though he...

I had a daughter 3 yeas ago, gained about 60 pounds,...

I had a daughter 3 years ago. I gained about 60 pounds while pregnant. I dropped 40 of those pounds, but I just can't...

It seems that when I drink coffee I get a headache.

It seems that when I drink coffee I get a headache. I could never understand this. I drink 2 cups per day (caffeinated) regular...

Out of all the alcohol drunk, what percent of it is...

I think your website is excellent. I would like to know out of all the alcohol drunk, what percent of it is beer? A 2013...

My triglycerides are over 700. I cut out sugar, sweets and...

My triglycerides are over 700. My cholesterol was normal. I have done everything to bring it under 700. I cut out sweets, sugar, and...

Where can I find a dietitian who works with hepatitis or autoimmune disorders?

Where can I find a dietitian who works with hepatitis or autoimmune disorders? The HIV / AIDS dietetic practice group of the American Dietetic Association...

What foods can I eat when I have a cold?

What foods can I eat when I have a cold? COLDS, UPPER RESPIRATORY INFECTIONS: Drink plenty of hot liquids. Water, tea, fruit juice, fruit drinks,...

My twin girls are always sick. Are there foods to boost their immune systems?

I have twin girls who are 5 years old. Since they have started school it seems as if they are always kind of sick....

I am undergoing Intron-A treatment for hepatitis C. The nurse in charge of the...

I am undergoing INTRON-A treatment for Hepatitis C. One of the possible side effects of the treatment is suppression of the bone marrow"s ability...

What foods can I eat when I have the flu?

What foods can I eat when I have the flu? FLU, FEVER, VOMITING, DIARRHEA: If your symptoms include fever and/or vomiting, contact your doctor. The...

My daughter who is 14 is an ovo-lacto vegetarian and developed...

My daughter who is 14, is an ovo-lacto vegetarian. I support this and between the two of us, we try to make sure she...

Adelle Davis was a pioneer, way ahead of her time.

Don't be dissing Adelle Davis she had an MS in Biochemistry. What's yours in? Adelle Davis was a pioneer, way ahead of her time....

I am a 24 year old masters swimmer and getting cramps...

I am a 24-year old masters swimmer. I have been getting cramps - calf and toe- a lot recently. On the advice of the...

I have a personal story to share having dealt with bulimia...

I do not have a question but rather a personal story to share. I myself have dealt with bulimia for several years. I want...

Could you comment on many parents feeding their very young children...

Could you comment on the fact that many parents are feeding their very young children diet cold drinks with NutraSweet? What effect will this...

What foods should we eat before and after exercising?

We were wondering what foods we should eat before and after exercising? A variety of the 6 food groups from the My Plate would be...